On May 23, 2017, at 06:09 PM, Terri Oda wrote:
Your turn for the "last chance to tag things for 3.1" email now that Aurelien's weighed in. ;) (I'm cc'ing the rest of mailman-developers in case anyone else wants to advocate for a bug too...)
I uploaded Core 3.1rc1 to PyPI this afternoon, so barring any unforeseen last minute problems, I plan on just bumping the version number and releasing it.
I'm happy for others to do the tagging and releasing the other components, or I can help with that if you prefer. The only project I can't release to PyPI is HyperKitty. Aurelien, we can leave that to you or you can defer to me, but you have to give me upload rights on the HyperKitty (and Core plugin) PyPI project for the latter.
I'm hoping we can work on some release notes and an announcement tomorrow while we put the finishing touches on it.
3.0 was released just over 2 years ago. It's exciting to see all the new and fixed stuff in 3.1; I hope you are too! My deep thanks to the core developers, and to all of you in the community. As has been said at Pycon many times this week: come for the code, stay for the community.
Cheers, -Barry