Hi everyone,
This will be my second update email to mm-dev after gsoc started, i'll be sending weekly summaries in the future. The ci-tool(please suggest some nice name) is almost finished, i need few more days to get it working on multiple projects under mailman suite. The following parts of ci-tool are working:
./ci-tool --pull project_name ./ci-tool --pull all
./ci-tool --test project_name ./ci-tool --test all
./ci-tool --try project_name
The projects under the mailman suite are listed in a config file(currently settings.py) which contains the a dict projects which has further dictionaries to store attributes like path, vcs, src location.
For parsing the commands form the command line, i have used argparse module and while implementation of commands, i have created two different files: commands.py and utils.py. In commands, i've declared the classes for various commands like pull, test and try and for making a tcp connection via twisted, two more classes for Client and Factory. In utils.py, i've tried to declare the error classes which i'll be able to differentiate easily and a logging class.
The most interesting command in this whole tool is the 'try' command, which will take the diff of the project and send it to the server to test it on the server and run all the tests on different installations (in this case i am using buildbot's slaves). I am able to send the diff to server and test it on a single server and now working on how to send the patches for multiple projects of suite, in case the developer is working on multiple projects(like postorius and hyperkitty) at the same time.
That's all for the status report, i have to say that whatever i've done won't be possible without the help of my awesome mentors: florian, stylistica, steve and maxking. The source of my project is available at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~varun/mailman/ci_tool/files. I try to remain active on #mailman and #mailman-gsoc for most of the daytime under nick 'varun'.
Thanks Varun