Hi everyone,
Here's an update for week 9:
For this week, I wrote the remaining sections of Documentation Checklist, which was later renamed to Documentation Template:
- Post Content
This section describes the reader on what he/she will accomplish after following the documentation.
- Result
This section describes the expected result of following the documentation.
I still couldn’t access GitLab inside my university. And since the whole process of getting it unblocked is quite tedious, I decided to just go to a local Starbucks and use the WiFi there. I created a private repository for my GSOD project and gave access to my mentors, Abhilash and Stephen.
Week 9 update can be viewed here: https://medium.com/@ariessa_norramli/google-season-of-docs-week-9-update-5c0ae91a8ee7?source=friends_link&sk=a014bc478570dec29e299919040af957
Thank you.
Best Regards, Ariessa Norramli