By default, mailman tarballs (at least the 2.x ones) contain a Defaults.py file with this configuration:
DEFAULT_PASS_MIME_TYPES = ['multipart/mixed','multipart/alternative','text/plain']
So, when someone enables filtering on a mailing list by mime-type, the default is to filter all emails not matching any of those 3 mime-types.
Therefore, this is unfortunately filtering multipart/signed emails.
multipart/signed is defined on RFC 4880 and 3156 and is the recommended way of signing mails with GPG: See http://wiki.gnupg.org/SignatureHandling As an example, this email is multipart/signed.
This default causes trouble to people that signs their mails with GPG. I already had problems due to this default on the Alioth Debian mailing lists and on the WebKit mailing lists.
Please, change this default by adding multipart/signed to the list of types allowed.