At 08:20 PM 3/5/2016, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
Christian Schoepplein writes:
On Sat, 5 Mar 2016 12:08:38 > About captchas. If they are implemented, they would have to be
optional in my opinion as they would require signing up for a token with the captcha provider.
Yes, if captchas really have to be implemented, please, please make them optional! For example many blind people are using mailman and captchas are a nightmare for them and from the point of view regarding accessibility in general.
Be reassured: we understand (but easily forget, so feel free to remind us!)
What is the opinion of audio captchas? That is, do they actually work, and are they a significant inconvenience even if they are at least in theory possible to use for blind persons? Google ReCAPTCHA implements an audio recaptcha option, for example.
Some audio CAPTCHA's are ok, some are virtually impossible to decipher. Also, audio CAPTCHAs do not work at all for deaf-blind persons.
So, while it depends, audio CAPTCHA is a mixed experience at best, and impossible at worst.
David Andrews and long white cane Harry.
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