Hi Florian!
I think mailmanclient should not expose a different value as the REST
API does (the fact that it's an int representation of a uuid isn't exactly obvious from the outside, so a non-explicit conversion could potentially lead to some confusion).
Hmm, to me the current situation is more confusing, since the user_id property I get from the REST API is different from the one I find in the database. I guess it depends on the reason the UUID is serialized. If it's to avoid being messed up during the transport, it's a transport issue and I think the library should convert it back (but the original ascii string should not be a problem so it's probably not that. Anyone remembers why the REST API exposes the int value instead of the string? It happened in commit 7043 but the reason is not given in the commit message.
But how about we add a
property to the user object which exposes the original uuid value?
Not sure that's useful, converting it back to an UUID is easy enough ( uuid.UUID(int=value) )