Terri Oda writes:
Oh! I think I understand some of the confusion now. I thought I'd said at the beginning why I was starting this thread at all, which is primarily because Systers has a student project that needs extra profile info.
That was a long time ago, and ... none of the students actually applying to Mailman has expressed direct interest in the extra profile info. To the contrary, a couple have commented that crypto really interests them.
stylistica posted here and has been on IRC off and on, but hasn't applied through Mailman. dardie will need a profile API, I think, but *her* proposal just showed up in the last hour or so and is an early draft.
The problem is
... somebody who knows the requirements needs to explain them on *Mailman* channels. We (more precisely, you, 'cause I don't know who to ask) need to get the principals in here, or in a conversation off-list. Then we'll work it out.