I have a client who wishes to send a bunch of mail.
They're good little boys and girls; the address are all opt-in, to my personal knowledge.
The problem is that they're already in a database (filePro for Unix on SCO 5, on a machine behind a Linux 7.1 firewall), and they want to be able to selectwhom to mail on an adhoc basis.
This seems to suggest to *me* that I need to be able to either 1) set up and strike lists on the mailman side with some dispatch, or better 2) wire mailman atop the extant database... which I would prefer to do because I *don't* want to lose the web-based signoff stuff, etc.
I know this is a pretty kettle of fish; anyone have any suggestions?
I'm willing to take a swing at writing a Python module to encompass filePro if I have to do that, but I'm not sure that's enough here: the user data isn't *in* a 'database' yet, is it?
This is, of course, a paying gig... and it's not impossible I might sub out the "interface the back of Mailman to my database" part, particularly if it can be done generally enough to make accessing filePro data from Python easy, since that's something I'd find generically useful.
Cheers, -- jra
Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com Member of the Technical Staff Baylink RFC 2100 The Suncoast Freenet The Things I Think Tampa Bay, Florida http://baylink.pitas.com +1 727 647 1274
"If you don't have a dream; how're you gonna have a dream come true?" -- Captain Sensible, The Damned (from South Pacific's "Happy Talk")