16 Nov
16 Nov
4:56 a.m.
"SH" == Steven Hazel <cherub@azrael.dyn.cheapnet.net> writes:
Me> The problem here is that we don't actually keep that
Me> information around in the database. This is bogus, and is
Me> something that I hope will get fixed when we have a real User
Me> database (don't ask when ;)
SH> What are the current plans for this? I'd like to help. I
SH> should have some time over the coming holidays.
Well, there are a number of questions (if it was an easy hack it'd already be done :).
First, do we want to use a real OODB underneath (such as ZODB), or do we cook our own? If we cook our own, do we modify Mailman to run as a long-running process to make things efficient? How do we handle safely modifying the user database (e.g. a user adding email addresses to their profiles)? There are also UI issues for making all this convenient for users. Finally, a user database should be robust enough to handle specifying various other roles. IOW, users can also be list admins, list moderators, and site admins.
Too sleepy to write more tonight.