Am 18.12.20 um 18:49 schrieb costavitorino@gmail.com:
So, my questions are:
Is there a way to share aliases db between containers(different hosts) of mailman and postfix? I thought about sharing volumes but I'm not quite sure if it's the best solution It is possible to share volumes between containers (or preferably use a host directory that's mounted into both containers). You need to be careful with userid issues, though, if you're running the processes within the containers as non-root users.
I've seen: virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual/existing_aliases.cf, var/lib/mailman/data/virtual-mailman to add in postfix main.cf. Is it possible to do the same thing to aliases and transport_maps? And if so, how to set it in mailman configuration, because this is for mailman
As Mark already wrote, Mailman3 uses LMTP, but you still need to share the transport map created by Mailman3 with postfix. With 2 containers having access to the same shared filesystem (either running on the same docker host, or using a network filesystem when you've got a cluster) it is pretty straightforward.
In a configuration where Mailman3 and Postfix are running on separate hosts, I have used the Mailman3 "postmap-command" option in var/etc/postfix-mailman.cfg to call a shell script which first runs postmap and then copies the map to the postfix host. That works well enough, but it took some time experimenting with several options. You need to set the lmtp_host and lmtp_port options in mailman.cfg to point to the container running Mailman3. If you expose the container LMTP port to the docker host, it might be easier, but it's likely safer to keep the inter-container communication really internal.
We're currently working on moving our mail system over to a "mailu" dockerized implementation, so I will gather some experience in connecting Mailman3 with a dockerized postfix.
Cheers, Hans-Martin