"JRA" == Jay R Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> writes:
>> I disagree. Postfix documents all this, so I consider it part
>> of their API. And the fact that they have alias_maps /and/
>> alias_databases shows that they intend for external
>> applications to create and manage maps that Postfix will
>> consult.
JRA> Oh. Didn't realize that. As JC notes, though, there's a
JRA> problem in reverse.
Not really, because I submit that you shouldn't have to touch the plain text Mailman-specific aliases file. You shouldn't be mixing non-Mailman aliases into this file (and don't need to since Postfix will happily consult any number of files via alias_maps), and Mailman can be taught to DTRT for the Mailman-related aliases.
>> I'll note that python.org and zope.org are a shared Mailman,
>> virtual host arrangement, and it's all worked perfectly with
>> both Postfix, and now Exim.
JRA> Noted. Which do you like better?
I'm mostly agnostic here. I chose Postfix years ago for the old CNRI machines when I was just frustrated beyond my breaking point with Sendmail (you don't even want to hear about our even older, internal, and hand-crufted mmdf installation). Once I learned it I had little reason - or really, time - to change.
When we (and our lists ;) moved to Digital Creations, and we integrated the python.org and zope.org domains, I was able to pawn^H^H^H^H, er, hand off the specific MTA duties to the zope.org webmaster. He was very comfortable with Exim and since I was load-shedding, I wasn't in a position to argue. Exim's done the job quite admirably since then. And it's very nice that Exim is so easily integrated with Mailman!