Dear Mailman,
     I'm a graduate student (computer science) in University
of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Questionnaire for open source testing
below is for a paper I'm working on. Hope you can spend
five minutes to finish it in your busy time. Any of your
effort will be greatly appreciated!
Questionnaire for Open Source Testing
1. What programming language is used in developing your product
"Mailman 1.1":?
2. How many developers were involved in your project?
3. When do you begin to do testing?
    a. Requirement Analysis Phase
    b. Functional design Phase
    c. Internal Design Phase
    d. Implementation Phase
    e. After Implementation
    Note: Functional design is to describe the features of a system from
      technique-oriented perspective compared with the user-oriented
      perspective of requirement analysis. Internal design is to model
      the implementation of system, such as class diagrams.
4. The time you spent in testing compared with the total time of development?
    a. <20%  b. 20%-40%  c. 40%-60%  d. 60-80%  e. >80%
5. How do you prepare for your testing (using plan or schedule)?
    a. Written plan which was modified several times 
    b. One plan draft without further modification 
    c. I prepare it in my brain 
    d. I have no plan
6. Do you inspect the following items?
    a. Requirement Documentation (if you have) 
    b. Design Documentation (if you have) 
    c. Source code (besides relying on compiler and program execution to
find faults in code)
7. There are some defects resulted from the unclear definition of requirements.
   In the total defects of this category you found, approximately what
   percentage were found in code inspections, in unit tests and in system
   tests, respectively?
   a. <20%  b. 20%-40%  c. 40%-60%  d. 60-80%  e. >80%   f. Not applicable
Answer:     ,       ,    
8. The percent of time you spent in document inspection (compared with total
   development time) is:
    a. <20%  b. 20%-40%  c. 40%-60%  d. 60-80%  e. >80%   f. Not applicable
9. How many people did you ask to check your documents or source code?
   Do you think it is useful?
    a. No 
    b. A little bit 
    c. Useful but not necessary 
    d. They found lots of defects that I haven’t found 
    e. Absolutely necessary
10. Do you use testing tools during your development? The name of it?
11. What is the basis of your testing?
    a. Test whether system implemented what user need 
    b. Test whether system implemented technical features 
    c. Find faults 
    d. All the above.
12. What strategy did you adopt in choosing your test cases? Please list them
    according to the importance of finding defects of your system (descending)?
    a. Choose sample of valid inputs 
    b. Choose those inputs most likely to cause failure 
    c. Choose inputs according to your experience 
    d. Other (specify            )
13. If you do coverage control, what percent of the code (lines of code) do
    you think are covered in your test?
    a. <20%  b. 20%-40%  c. 40%-60%  d. 60-80%  e. >80%   f. Not Applicable
14. In defects you found, what percent of the following problem categories
should be found in requirements phase? in design phase? in unit test ?
in integration test?
    a. <20%  b. 20%-40%  c. 40%-60%  d. 60-80%  e. >80%   F. Not Applicable
15. In which areas did you find most of the defects when  you integrate and
    sell products (someone sell open source products such as RedHat)?
    a. User interface-related problems 
    b. Database-related problems 
    c. Network-related problems 
    d. Logical 
    e. Other(specify   )
    f. Not Applicable
Luyin Zhao
535 N23 Street, #10
Lincoln, NE 68503