On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 06:02:30PM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
I've updated the FAQ entry with some useful information for MM2.1.
Cool, thanks.
BTW, I *very* seldom edit messages that are held for moderation. I think twice it was because I forgot to change my posting address from my private one (the one I shouldn't have posted with in the first place :-D) (yes, I know my scheme is flawed)
Once I think I fixed the spelling of someone's name with the poster's approval.
It is however good to see that you allowed to disable the mm2.1 behavior by setting HOLD_MESSAGES_AS_PICKLES to 0. Ideally it'd be in Defaults.py so that it doesn't get blown away on upgrade, but that's already a good thing. I think one use for having held message in plaintext (mostly in a corporate environment) would be to edit headers automatically and/or add a disclaimer or some other info in *some* posts (i.e. a P* script would look at that queue twice a minute and process messages if applicable) Out of curiosity, is it really faster to have the whole mesage in a pickle instead of plaintext?
Another titbit (sp?) of info: On sf.net, I stat files held for moderation and delete everything that's been there for more than a month. You'd be surprised how many spams held for moderation and never moderated we had before that :-)
I'll probably also contribute a small script that watches the number of messages in the mailman queue, and sends a warning if there are more than X (meaning that you have some serious backlog, or some other problem)
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