[Jerry Adlersfluegel]
I added a couple subscribers over a week ago and they are not getting any of the messages. They did receive their subscription reminders.
I have unsubscribed them and then re-added them (it is a closed list) and it didn't help. Their profiles are the same as anyone else, but they just don't get any of the mail.
The only thing I can think of is that the ones that are shut out are all on AOL. There are 22 regular subscribers on AOL, and I noticed how the mail gets batched together. Is it possible that there is a limit to how many recipients my sendmail is seeing?
There is no such restriction that I know of in Mailman, but I believe you can configure Sendmail to put a ceiling on how many RCPT To:s you can have for one single message. I don't have my bat book here (nor am I very familiar with Sendmail configuration in general), so I don't know what specific config settings you should have a look at.
As Mailman tries to batch addresses together by domain when it does deliveries, having a too restrictive Sendmail configuration could indeed be your problem.
[ IIRC, the most recent draft of the upcoming RFC821-replacement says to allow _at least_ 100 RCPT To:s for any message -- so your apparent ceiling of 20 would be a bit low. ]
If no one else fills me in on the sendmail config details, I'll try checking my bat book on Monday (or when I get the chance) and report any relevant findings.
The only reason I can even think that is the problem is that the most recently added users are the ones that aren't getting the traffic.
Hmmm... I don't think that Mailman keeps track of _when_ the various members of a list was added, or even the order in which this happens -- they are all kept in the same dict (or "hash", if you prefer), so there needn't be any relation between the time of subscribing and what addresses gets "denied" by your sendmail config.