--On 28 July 2006 21:31:29 -0500 Brad Knowles <brad@stop.mail-abuse.org> wrote:
At 5:36 PM -0400 2006-07-28, James Ralston wrote:
I admit that this algorithm isn't perfect. But I think it's better than what Mailman does currently, which is to ignore the status field entirely.
Unfortunately, there are a whole host of seriously broken MTAs out there, and seriously broken configurations of otherwise good MTAs, and many sites return totally bogus status codes.
I don't see how that could create a problem. The worst thing that could happen is that someone remains subscribed to a list when they should not.
Alternately, they could be unsubscribed because their MTA is returning the wrong error codes - but then that would give their postmaster a good reason to fix the error codes. In this case, they'd be unsubscribed as things stand anyway.
-- Ian Eiloart IT Services, University of Sussex