Sept. 1, 2009
4:06 p.m.
On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 10:20:14AM -0500, Justin Long wrote:
I moderate a mailman installation at http://www.strategicnetwork.org that has over 120,000 subscribers to various lists. Here are some functions that would be nice:'
- the ability to add a new subscription to a given list without importing a text file. Right now it seems to be impossible to add a single address to a single list in the same way you can remove an address. This would be useful for adding a one-off email address change.
adduser -l /list/thelist johndoe@gmail.com
add_members -r- listname <foo@example.org> ^d
- the ability to change an email address en masse in all lists. At least once or twice a month I have people who write in who want to have their email address changed and they aren't technically minded enough to do this on their own. As a customer service issue it would be nice to simply accomodate them, e.g.
changeuser johndoe@gmail.com johndoe@smith.com
clone_member -r old@example.org new@example.org
-- ``Sitting in a church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car.'' (spotted in Strasbourg)