On Wed, 2005-05-18 at 09:49, Graham Klyne wrote:
This comment surprises me a little, as I am using postfix and I was experiencing access-related problems. However, following my initial installation, I did find that I had to change the file protection on the alias files [*], otherwise I was unable to use Mailman to create new mailing lists, so maybe that was my problem all along? (This being after encountering the previous problem and applying the "patch".)
Yes, you need to have both the aliases and the aliases.db file writable by group mailman, and group owned by mailman. However, additionally, the aliases.db file must be /user/ owned by mailman in order for Postfix to execute the scripts with the proper permissions.
If that's not clear in the documentation (and enforced by check_perms) then you should file a bug report so we can make sure those issues are addressed.