mailman / archive-ui / licensing questions
Thanks for the super-detailed replies... I'm separating these discussions, so here I have some questions about licensing and bundling..
So in some sense, CSLA needn't become *the* Mailman archiver, but it should definitely be *a* Mailman archiver. Then you can make all the engineering and design decisions you prefer, but with the confidence that it will Just Work with Mailman 3.
Sure but this isn't why I'm here. CSLA is already *a* mailman archiver..I think we first released it in 2004. A few of us ex-egroups folks hacked it out because we used it for private projects. We open-sourced it so we could use it across organizational boundaries and because we were happy to give it away to anyone who wanted it. We're just all primarily focused on startup and commercial endeavors, so we havn't done much to package and popularize it.
Right now I'm in between entrepreneural endeavors and spending some time 'giving back' and coding/donating-to/helping several open-source projects. As I engage with these projects, all of them are using Mailman, which is fantastic. However, nearly all of them are also using pipermail, which is not so great. They are using it because it's the default, so it was easy.
I started to talk to one of them about installing CSLA (or MHonArc, or anything really), and realized I should see if you folks are interested in a great bundled archiver, to fix the problem at the source. I'm not particularly interested in promoting or maintaining an open-source project around this, so if you folks don't want a shiny new (S-BSD licensed) archiver to bundle, I'll probably just fix a few things, bump the CSLA archiver to 0.3 and move on.
I admit that even with a pretty good knowledge of these many licenses, I'm not familiar with the intracacies of FSF copyright assignment and non-GPL free licenses.
The ClearsilverArchiver code (written by me and two others) is released under the "Simplified BSD" license and "totally free". It's important to me that any code I release be similarly free-and-unrestricted (i.e. BSD/Python/Artistic/PublicDomain), not free under certain conditions (i.e. GPL/LGPL). It's not possible to assert GPL restrictions on totally-free code, because it's already totally free.
FSF says S-BSD is GPL-Compatible, which I believe means they are saying they have no problem with GPL code depending on and being combined with (i.e. linked with) S-BSD code, because the S-BSD code is fully open-source and does not put restrictions on the use of the GPL code.
It's also my understanding that the primary reason for FSF copyright assignment is to provide a coherent entity to enforce the terms of the GPL by challenging violators who don't redistribute source.... something which is not necessary for S-BSD. (Though I suppose they could enforce that folks include the S-BSD copyright notices.)
So I guess this all drives to the following question:
Is Mailman-team is interested in having a better built-in archiver that is included in the distribution, but licensed under the less-restrictive S-BSD terms?
Sorry for the length. This license stuff can be complicated.
On a weirdly unrelated coincidence, thanks for I just hacked it into smtp-to-maildir for a "private hosted webmail" installation. We were migrating code/data to some new machines and seemed simpler than fighting with qmail-installation or configuring postfix to "accept everything" (something it doesn't seem designed to do).
But that absolutely shouldn't stop any other third party archiver from being
Mailman 3 compatible.
As I said, like the Python standard library, it's both a blessing and a curse. :)
As for the features it doesn't have from your list: Editing would be easy to add because it's sqlite (deciding on the auth system is probably more of an issue than the editing). Anti-Crawl code is really an issue of configuration for cheap in-memory state-management. NNTP is well. that would be a big job that I doubt will be bitten off by something as "small" as a list archiver.
Why can't we kill off Gmane while we're killing off Gmail, and *Groups? :).
What is the REST UI used by? CSLA supports RSS. When it comes to a more involved REST UI, what software would be hitting it? I don't think I'll understand your other API/REST points until I see an answer to this.
I'm a list owner and someone requests that a post containing private information be taken down.
As a drive-by archive user, I want to request that a message get sent to me so that I can reply to it in my mail reader as if I had received the original.
I run a question/answer forum that gateways a list, and I want to +1 really helpful messages, or give some extra kudos to really helpful users.
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