Well, haven't seen any e-mail from this list, so I figured I'd make some
of my own.
Are there plans for a ban feature, where you can permanently ban problem
users? If it already exists, I sure can't find it, and I've looked numerous times. This would be very useful.
Also, immature, disgruntled users have the ability to subscribe a list
to another mailing list. Even if only members can post, admin requests still pile up. Are there any plans to enable an option to automatically delete mail from mailing list servers, such as egroups.com and onelist.com?
On Sun, Jan 23, 2000 at 02:13:14PM -0600, Matthew Ratzloff wrote:
Are there plans for a ban feature, where you can permanently ban problem
users? If it already exists, I sure can't find it, and I've looked numerous times. This would be very useful.
i second this... some posts just don't need to be in the list of pending administrative requests... for example, all mail to our list has to be approved by the moderators, but posts from non-members will show up in this list too, and if some "banned" person would try to post to the list, the moderator has no idea about this. If you have set a size limit to the posts to the list, they will show up in this list too. Maybe these posts could be moved to a seperate list or it should be possible to tell MM to discard these kind of posts no matter what.
participants (2)
Matthew Ratzloff
Ricardo Kustner