[ mailman-Bugs-649037 ] Attachments not working.
Bugs item #649037, was opened at 2002-12-05 10:56 You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=649037&group_id=103
Category: Pipermail Group: 2.1 beta
Status: Closed Resolution: Wont Fix Priority: 5 Submitted By: Patrick Finnerty (finnertyp) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Attachments not working.
Initial Comment: Platform: TRU64 v5.1a
I'm using Mailman v2.1b5 and have noticed the following problem when archiving attached files.
MS-Excel documents are not getting properly archived. Well, the file that is posted appears unharmed in the ...archive/<list>/attachments/... directory on the server, but it isn't available as an attachment from the posted message. A few lines are garbage are there instead.
MS Word, Powerpoint, PDF files are OK from what I've tested although I've found a similar problem to above with a Word document when using 'arch' on an existing mailbox.
Ie, arch creates the html pages OK and extracts the attachments OK, but a Word document isn't available from the message.
- Pat.
Comment By: Barry A. Warsaw (bwarsaw) Date: 2002-12-07 03:08
Message: Logged In: YES user_id=12800
I think the problem you're seeing is that with Excel spreadsheets, your browser is displaying the binary data to you instead of offering to save it to disk, as it does for Powerpoint files.
Here's the problem: we don't trust the file extension on attachments, but instead, we look the Content-Type up in Python's mimetypes module to find the file extension that we use when saving the attachment to a file. application/vnd.ms-excel are reversed mapped to .xlb extension but your browser probably doesn't know what to do with .xlb
I think there's little Mailman can do here. I suggest right-clicking on the link to save it to a file.
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