I would like to have a Mailman logo, that would serve a function similar to Just van Rossum's excellent "Python Powered" logo. I am not much of a (visual :-) artist so if I had to do it, I'd probably hack around with Gimp's logo scripts for an hour or so and come up with something really cheezy. So I figured I'd open up a logo contents with y'all to tap the fast energies and talents of our community.
See http://www.python.org/psa/Logo.html for the logos that Just came up with for Python. Here are my requirements:
The phrase should be "Delivered by Mailman"
We should have a large logo and a small logo, of approximately the sizes Just chose, but I'm not as concerned about animated versions.
I'm thinking that the background should be a simple caricature of an envelope, either of the obverse side (with a stamp in the upper left corner), or the reverse side, with flap lines. This is just a suggestion.
Colors and fonts are up to you, but readability is of utmost importance.
GIF is probably the best format.
You will have to GPL your logo, and be willing to assign it to the FSF (and probably have your employer do the same).
Send your submissions to me -- MIME is fine. I'll post them on the Web so we can all see and vote on them. The winner gets his or her little chunk of net.immortality and the eternal thanks of Mailman users for years to come.
I would like to have a logo for the 1.0 release, which I think will realistically be end-of-January.
Thanks, -Barry
participants (1)
Barry A. Warsaw