My admins speak out...

Okay, my admins on have had a chance ot dig out from the upgrade, and are starting to speak out...
And they ALL want an option to auto-reject mail sent from unsubscribed users.
Barry, can we squeeze something like this into 2.0? (he says, doubting it...) technically, it shouldn't be too tough, from a quick glance.
-- Chuq Von Rospach - Plaidworks Consulting ( Apple Mail List Gnome (
Be just, and fear not.

"CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <> writes:
CVR> Okay, my admins on have had a chance ot
CVR> dig out from the upgrade, and are starting to speak out...
CVR> And they ALL want an option to auto-reject mail sent from
CVR> unsubscribed users.
CVR> Barry, can we squeeze something like this into 2.0? (he says,
CVR> doubting it...) technically, it shouldn't be too tough, from
CVR> a quick glance.
No it shouldn't be too tough, but no it's too late to go into 2.0. Here's a quick sketch of a hack though (untested).
If you want to make this list-specific, use bin/withlist to set an attribute on the lists that should have this behavior. Let's call it `auto_reject':
-------------------- snip snip def autoreject(m): m.auto_reject = 1 m.Save() -------------------- snip snip -------------------- % python bin/withlist -r autoreject -l mylist
Now, in Mailman/Handlers/ find the stanza where NonMemberPost is raised. Change the hold_for_approval line to something like:
if getattr(mlist, 'auto_reject', 0):
raise DiscardMessage
hold_for_approval(mlist, msg, msgdata, NonMemberPost)
Doing the GUI is a bit more work, and it would be nice if each of the hold conditions could be optionally discarded, so that's another reason to wait and do it right for 2.1.
participants (2)
Chuq Von Rospach