Re: [Mailman-Developers] GSOC '16 Help

Hello Vatsal,
Welcome to the Mailman community
First you should do a local setup and make sure everything is working as expected, since you are new to Mailman it will take some time to setup.
I am a intermediate python developer, have worked on couple of small projects but haven't done any open source contribution yet.
That is great, intermediate knowledge of python is sufficient to get you started, Once you are through the setup, start organizing your thoughts and decide which part of mailman are you comfortable with and then look for aligned projects. Don't jump the gun yet, it might be the case that you find a perfect project among the listed ones or you won't find anything at all, be it either case you should start looking into beginner level bugs and try to fix them. In the mean time get in touch with other devs on the mailing list or IRC, you can certainly propose new projects and admins will help you decide if they can be a part of GSoC pipeline or not.
All the best!
participants (1)
Pranjal Yadav