execlp(SENDMAIL_CMD, SENDMAIL_CMD,"-bi"); need another argument, NULL, that is , the line should be execlp(SENDMAIL_CMD, SENDMAIL_CMD,"-bi", NULL); and that's all, you can edit your aliases files if you have the right
Hi I was looking the alias_wrapper file in src/ subdir , trying to fix it , because the creation of a new list is, I think, incomplete if we can't edit an aliases file automatically, I found only one thing, the line 87 permission for write in it, my choice is /etc/mailman/aliases (/etc/mailman/) with write permission for group mailman , and woks fine. also I include a rmaliases for delete one list from de alias file, if anybody like it e-mail me please .
I think that this feature should be in the release that's why I submit this msg. to this list, may be the developers are interested in things like this one.
participants (1)
Roger Peña Escobio