Hi, I am thinking of adding a new interface named 'IStyleable' to the mailman core. All the styleable attributes from the current 'IMailingList' interface will be moved to this new interface. The current 'IMailingList' interface does not provide documentation for all the styleable attributes. This new interface will contain all styleable interfaces arranged in an orderly way with proper documentation. This new interface then can be extended by the existing 'IMailingList' interface and the new 'IStyle' interface that I am writing.
Why I felt the need of a new interface? For constructing a new style I am taking a dictionary as an input to the constructor which is supposed to contain all the necessary styleable attributes and their corresponding values as key value pairs and to check whether the dictionary contains all the styleable attributes or not I will need to have a list of all the styleable attributes and that can be done very easily if I have an interface containning all the styleable attributes. I know there are other methods of getting a list of all the attributes but they are neither pythonic nor stable as all of them depend on python internals which are liable to change with the version of python.
I had asked Barry for his comments but as he is busy in PyCon so he asked me to redirect my query to mailing list. As this was blocking so I in the meantime I wrote the new interface which can be found here: https://gitlab.com/_Harshit_/mailman/commit/6c94e220cd5f5ba857fa003bdc17919c...
Please provide your comments/suggestions on whether should I continue with this or not.
Thanks, Harshit Bansal.
participants (1)
Harshit Bansal