REST server status and MM3.0alpha6 soon

Just a heads up that I've *finally* managed to wrestle restish, webob, and cgi to the ground and hack in PATCH support for the Mailman 3 REST server. It's a kludge but it works. This was one of the last things I needed to do before I could release 3.0alpha6, so look for that in the next day or so.
How goes the new web ui work?

Just a heads up that I've *finally* managed to wrestle restish, webob, and cgi to the ground and hack in PATCH support for the Mailman 3 REST server.
Yeah! :-)
How goes the new web ui work? Anna Granudd has implemented all items from her gsoc project and she plans to continue working on the UI until it's finished (which is great!). A lot of the things the UI can do still use mock data, but it sounds like some of that can be changed now that PATCH is supported by the API... (If you're interested in how it's been done: There's a copy of the client libary in the django app folder, along with a file which holds decorators so the original client methods remain mainly untouched:
Next steps:
- implement Claudia Fleiner's navigation, improve the general layout/css
- remove the mock decorators and implement the real REST calls in the client lib as well as the django app
@Barry: There's still a pending review/merge request concerning the client library on launchpad. I don't know if it makes sense to do the review now (since PATCH is ready but has not yet been added to the lib). But maybe you can have a quick look to see if it's generally going the right way...?
Cheers Florian
participants (2)
Barry Warsaw
Florian Fuchs