This mail is to introduce myself. My name is Jose Daniel Fandiño, I study Computer and Systems Engenieering at the University of Los Andes and I am courrently coursing my 4th semester (2nd year). I have experience with Java, REST services in Java, HTML, CSS, JS, AngularJS, basicly for University assignments. I’m also interested in competitive programming (in Java). I learned Python by my own and I am fairly new to it but I found it easy to understand.
About the ideas for Mailman, I read the propoused ones and found interesting the Preset list settings templates one really interesting. It is also very important because lists may have different purposes, so having different styles with different functionalities may be really useful for the users.
I know it is a bit late for the deadline, but still I would like to keep up to date with this Project (Mailman in general) and even if I’m not selected I would love to contribute to Mailman with everything I can from now on, specially because this is my first aproach to open source contribution (but still I do have experience with github and team development, mainly for academic purpouses).
Thank you for your attention, I’ll be attentive to the community.
participants (1)