reply-to setting per user

(following up a private discussion on having mailman allow users to decide if they want reply-to munging or not, not the list master)
Another thought is to not do the munging in, but to defer it to later in the delivery process. If you could wedge it into it might not be too hard, but I'd have to think about it more.
(feel free to extract this part of the mail and answer on mailman-devel if you wish)
Ok, so I'm looking at I need to
- find out where msg is defined (pointer welcome)
- add a 'munge-users' field
- enqueue the message once as-is
- set munge in msg, modify msgdata to add reply-to, and enqueue the message a 2nd time
While it would be better to have a tri-state reply-to setting per user: as defined by the list / leave intact (empty or set by posting user) / set that would be hard because doing #2 is not easy since the listwide munging will happen before the actual explosion and delivery to the users.
So, I think we can have: If reply-to munging is enabled on that list, ignore user settings (I'd really like to give them the option to disagree with the list owner, but I have to set some bounds, otherwise it's going to be too much work) If munging is disabled (which ideally could be done on a site wide basis), then users get to chose if they want to enable it (and the default is obviously disabled when the user setting is undefined)
As an optimization, would scan the user list and only queue the message once if no list member opted for munging or if munging is already done on a list-wide basis.
Then, the outgoing qrunner when it picks the messages, would check if munge-users is set for that specific message, and only send the message to the users whose munging setting matches the value.
I don't know if and when I'll be able to do that (depends on how my time gets assigned), but I thought I would run it by you guys to see if I missed anything and if there was a bored hacker who knew the mailman code better than me :-) (turns out, while I think this feature would be a great thing, I don't yet know whether it will solve my particular problem or not)
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