I have a client who is looking to move to an In-House mailing
system. They are currently using a commercial web company called
vertical response, http://www.verticalresponse.com. They would like
some assistance in developing some back end tools and interface to do
tacking on their mailings.
If someone out there is interested in working with us on this
project, please let me know. You can call my office or send me back
an email. The client is ready to move forward and any help would be
appreciated. I would prefer to go with Mailman on this project. I
think it can handle what they want to do, but I just need help on the
backend and interface.
Thanks in advance.
Thomas M Foley TMF Consulting LLC 212.473.2325 O thomas@tmfconsulting.net

On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 10:14:56AM -0400, Thomas M Foley wrote:
response, http://www.verticalresponse.com. They would like some assistance in developing some back end tools and interface to do tracking on their mailings.
I have a Mailman branch at https://code.launchpad.net/~amk/mailman/bounce-analysis that allows more detailed tracking of which messages bounce and which are accepted. The patch makes Mailman record the unique Message-ID for each message in various internal log files, and adds a script that analyzes the resulting log files. This makes it possible to determine that a given message was sent to X addresses, Y of which bounced.
I work for www.matrixgroup.net, which funded the above branch, so I can't do any work directly for you due to a non-compete agreement. If you're interested in hiring Matrix to do some work for you, I can put you in touch with our new-biz. You're certainly free to incorporate the branch above into your own work, and I hope to see it included in Mailman 2.2 or some future version.
participants (2)
A.M. Kuchling
Thomas M Foley