'empty module name' error and shunting
I've seen a number of posts (courtesy of Google) about this topic, yet not a single one noted a solution. All either were resolved with,
- upgrade and it will go away (I have the latest of everything)
- "this only happens on spam (bad header), don't worry about it."
- you are using a RH RPM install that is broken.
Well, in my case I'm on a debian system (code via apt-get) running mailman-2.1.2-6. I have about 12 mailing-lists all seem to function without an issue except for one. Anytime anyone mails to it, the message gets "Shunned" and I see this error in the log/error file (mind you the message is obsoletely fine - its as though there is lock someone that is forcing all legit messages to be shunned).
Aug 13 16:40:05 2003 (13248) Uncaught runner exception: Empty module name Aug 13 16:40:05 2003 (13248) Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 105, in _oneloop self._onefile(msg, msgdata) File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Queue/Runner.py", line 155, in _onefile keepqueued = self._dispose(mlist, msg, msgdata) File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 130, in _dispose more = self._dopipeline(mlist, msg, msgdata, pipeline) File "/usr/lib/mailman/Mailman/Queue/IncomingRunner.py", line 153, in _dopipel ine sys.modules[modname].process(mlist, msg, msgdata) File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py", line 89, in process send_digests(mlist, mboxfp) File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py", line 130, in send_digest s send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp) File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/ToDigest.py", line 303, in send_i18n_d igests msg = scrubber(mlist, msg) File "/var/lib/mailman/Mailman/Handlers/Scrubber.py", line 308, in process t = t.encode(charset, 'replace') File "/usr/lib/python2.2/encodings/__init__.py", line 51, in search_function mod = __import__(modname,globals(),locals(),'*') ValueError: Empty module name
Aug 13 16:40:05 2003 (13248) SHUNTING: 1060794892.466989+1b026fcd575182e5c957eae f9f3caac319c9a8e3
If I try to 'unshunt' the message - nothing happens and it simply pops back into the qfiles/shunt dir. I have hoards of people waiting for this to get resolved and I've tried asking anyone who would listen on IRC (irc.freenode.net #mailman and/or #debian) to no avail. The website was no help at all (there is no mention of 'shunting' even and alot of the info is rather dated).
Could someone please lend a helping hand _ASAP_ ?
I'm not on the list, so please CC your replies.
- Nadim
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participants (1)
Nadim Shaikli