[Mailman CLI Project] Subscription and Membership related Actions

The next set of tasks for the coming weeks, before the mid term evaluation, are mostly subscription and membership related actions for the CLI.
The various actions that are to be implemented are
Show members of a list
The list members of a list
feature is currently available as a part of
the users module, that takes list name as an argument.
show user –list list@domain.org
This does not print the names of the list owners and moderators who are
not members of the list by default. They can be added to the list by
appending the list.owners
and list.moderators
to the member list. Is
there a necessity of a new command under the list
scope that does the
same function?
show-members list list@domain.org
Subscribe/Unsubscribe users from a list
The commands suitably belongs to the user scope
subscribe user foo@bar.com –list list@domain.org
unsubscribe user foo@bar.com –list list@domain.org
Add/remove owners/moderators
These commands come under the list scope
add-owner list list@domain.org –user a@b.com
remove-owner list list@domain.org –user a@b.com
add-moderator list list@domain.org –user a@b.com
remove-moderator list list@domain.org –user a@b. <a@b.com>com
and a pair of commands to list the owners and moderators
show-moderators list list@domain.org
show-owners list list@domain.org
Edit/Set list settings
List preferences can be set or modified using
edit list list@domain.org –key KEY –value VALUE
Setting membership preferences
set preference –key KEY –value VALUE
Discussions on placing a domain
attribute to this command have been done,
but I doubt whether a decision was made. I list below a possible usage
set preference –key KEY --value VALUE [--global/--user USER /--address ADDRESS]
Describe instance
Describe instance can be used to display the details of an instance, like
settings and preferences. This can be achieved by extending the show
command of each instance, by passing a key to the specific instance, like
show list list@domain.org
show user foo@bar.com
show domain domain.org
The details available for the object user
subscribed lists, with role
user id
Details available for domain
show lists
Details available for object list
mail host
pending requests
The above details can be displayed in groups, with appropriate group headings.
BTW,I have pushed the r57 that adds the unit tests for the lists
. The
unit tests for the users
will be a part of the next revision, r58. Apart
from that, I would like to add the describe instance
`subscribe/unsubscribe' features for the r58.
participants (1)
Rajeev S