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I was building Mailman 3.
The server is behind a proxy.
I was using Django 1.9.1 .
After fixing my /etc/environment file to set the correct proxy thing the
403 Forbidden error was resolved well.
Another thing I faced was the unsuported keyword used in django
render_to_string(template,context_instance=final_context) method. I
manually changed it to replace just the context_instance part with
context=final_context(checked django docs for that) and things worked out
fine after that. Its finally working now. I hope I can start contributing
Thanks for the guidance
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 7:36 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull <>
This -- "Python Version: 2.7.9" is also a problem for recent Mailman 3
(since 3.1 IIRC) -- Mailman 3 is only supported on Python 3. I guess
this is Postorius and it's still OK for 2.7 (upgrading to the most
recent Python 2 version, which I believe is 2.7.11, is probably a good
idea, as there were security issues in 2.7.9 and 2.7.10).
I would guess that your proxy simply isn't permitted to access the
REST port by the server. Check firewall settings and try a simple
client such as wget or curl from the Mailman host. If you get the
same result (ie, 403 Forbidden) with those clients, then you're going
to need to talk to your local administrators about how to configure
the firewall to permit Postorius to talk to Mailman.
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