FWIW, I'd also like very much if anyone could provide a few lines recap of
the activity on the ModernArchiving topic under "initiatives and proposals"
as I feel my thoughts on searching/archiving tie into the
objectives/requirements listed there:
More concisely, where I have search capability, my goal of integrating more
'robustly' is I think one that will rely upon a channel of communication
being established with the archiving mechanisms, if I understand the mm 2.0
codebase well enough.
It may have been a while since anyone here has spent much time in the
version mm 2.0 code, but would love to start discussing/working with anyone
who's taking that on in v3.0..anyone?
On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Chris Cargile <follybeachris@gmail.com>wrote:
I have observed the mailman development activities for a while but have not
chimed in recently.
My initial aim for contributing was to offer input as to the search
functionality feature request.
In as much as there is a lot to gain from the continual flow of ideas that
I feel are spawned by my watching and considering the list posts, I find at
times it is a little arduous of a task to get the fine details I seek on
specific matters such as the search features' progress (this is intended to
be as much as compliment as anything, I suppose) ...or that I am grateful
for a chance to suggest my technique to tackle this 'burden' of organizing.
Whereas, certain resources may lead one to dismissively settle on allowing
google site-crawlers to work, this technique doesn't work (I'm glad) for
many, and I'm not sure where things stand regarding search for mailman-
however, I found Ian
approach (of applying the HT-Dig capabilities to enhance a MM v2.0 instance
interesting, but perhaps overkill and/or not quite right) but a good
case-in-point for ideas.
I resolved my need for making 'search' on my lists practically achievable
but in terms of overall integration into the fabric of mailman code, it is
If you want to see my search implementation, check out a prototype from me
on my AWS instance<
Please share your thoughts here or directly to me ;)
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