[ mailman-Bugs-553557 ] Message Size not enforced properly

Bugs item #553557, was opened at 2002-05-07 23:15 You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=553557&group_id=103
Category: mail delivery Group: 2.0.x Status: Open Resolution: None
Priority: 1 Submitted By: rich cowan (leftlink) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: Message Size not enforced properly
Initial Comment: I sent an 26K message that also was sent out by my eudora in an HTML version to a list that is supposed to be capped at a 40K limit. The html made the message into a 112K message, and it apparently went out anyway. the msg is at:
http://lists.democracygroups.org/pipermail/rwwatch/2002 q2.txt
This message was sent as both plain and styled text from eudora. It seems to me that if someone makes the mistake of leaving styled text on then Mailman should catch that, i.e. the "message body" should be calculated as the number of KB of both the plain and html portions of a message.
the whole idea of the message size limit is to enforce a restriction so that a moderator of the list can make the email list more friendly to modem users, and when you end up letting huge html mail through, it kind of defeats the purpose.
-rich cowan "Nonprofit Open Source Initiative"
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=553557&group_id=103
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