Re: [Mailman-Developers] Does anyone else see these?
[J C Lawrence]
On Fri, 5 Mar 1999 01:17:53 -0600 (CST) Christopher Lindsey<> wrote:
Perhaps Mailman could add (yet another) header indicating the targetted recepient to help with this type of situation? Maybe X-Mailman-Recepient? Or it could be wrapped it into another header like X-BeenThere...
One technique I used for my own list software (now defunct) was that every N'th message to each subscriber was sent individually with custom headers giving the subscription address, list name etc.
At one time I heard a rumour that someone was to implement VERP[1] support in Mailman -- and I even imagined to have heard that the implementation would do VERP on only every Nth posting to keep down list latency.
It would be a post-1.0 thing, of course -- but was I merely dreaming all this, or are actually anyone putting any work into this?
If no-one are, then someone should be :-)
[1] Variable Envelope Return Paths, see <URL:> for further description.
participants (1)
Harald Meland