Hi Raunaq,
Please always include the -developers list when sending a mail related
to GSoC. CC'ing the list here.
On 02/04/2016 04:20 AM, Raunaq Abhyankar wrote:
Dear Abhilash,
In that case, could u please suggest some other integration solution
possibilities that I can work on? (Idea 2)
I think it would be your job to think about the possible ways to
integrate Gitlab with Mailman. Other might be able to help with it, but
I myself don't have any pointers as to how to help you.
And in the shared bookmarks toolkit (idea3), what small tasks are u
looking for?
Again, *I* am not the one who will be choosing the tasks to complete the
application. I am sorry, but I can not help you find a right sized
project for the summer other than the ones listed on the GSoC ideas
page. I can certainly tell if you if the project you chose is good
enough for a summer.
You are free to ask the general developer list for more brainstorming
over some ideas/pointers that you have.
And pls provide the link to setting up the codebase.
If you read the GSoC wiki page carefully, I am sure you will find all
the links to setup your development environment. You can refer to
gnu-mailman.rtfd.org and list.org too!
On Feb 4, 2016 1:36 AM, "Abhilash Raj" <raj.abhilash1@gmail.com
<mailto:raj.abhilash1@gmail.com>> wrote:
Hi Raunaq,
On 02/03/2016 03:51 AM, Raunaq Abhyankar wrote:
> Hey! I would like to work on the following ideas:
I think three of them are too much for one summer. Try choosing one and
then clearly defining what do you want to do with these ideas.
> 1.Preset list settings template.
There is an active discussion going on this topic with another student
on -developers list. Try to look through the archives and see if can
understand the idea behind this and then maybe come up with a good
solution/proposal on how to do this.
> 2.Gitlab integration
This probably was rejected as a good idea for a GSoC project in itself.
The reason being you can always add the list's mailing list to the list
of subscribers on any of the code sharing sites which would send in the
updates. Although, I think the current setup to subscribe to events
individually is much better and fine grained as per individual's
I am open if you want to do some other kind of "integration" that would
really help people.
> 3.Shared bookmarks toolkit
This looks like a small project but can be added along with small
projects to create a summer of code proposal. You can expand more on
what this toolkit will do and how and look for another one or two easy
> How do I go about the same.
> Regards,
> Raunaq Abhyankar
> On Feb 3, 2016 4:13 AM, "Abhilash Raj" <raj.abhilash1@gmail.com
> <mailto:raj.abhilash1@gmail.com <mailto:raj.abhilash1@gmail.com>>>
> Hi Raunaq,
> On 02/02/2016 10:40 AM, Raunaq Abhyankar wrote:
> > Dear Developers,
> > Hi! I am Raunaq Abhyankar from Mumbai, India. I am a Third Year
> Computer
> > Engg student from Mumbai University.
> >
> > I would like to work on the following project ideas:
> > 1. Dashboard for Admins/Owners/Moderators
> > 2. Anonymous lists
> I think you visited the old GSoC page. Please read
> http://wiki.list.org/x/17891941 for the latest information on
GSoC 2016
> and in general about the application process.
> >
> > What is the procedure for applying to the given projects?
> > Are any preGSOC activities (bug fixes / enhancements et al)
> supposed to be
> > performed?
> >
> > Thanks and Regards,
> > RAunaq Abhyankar
> > _______________________________________________
> > Mailman-Developers mailing list
> > Mailman-Developers@python.org
> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/mailman-developers
> > Mailman FAQ: http://wiki.list.org/x/AgA3
> > Searchable Archives:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-developers%40python.org/
> > Unsubscribe:
> >
> > Security Policy: http://wiki.list.org/x/QIA9
> >
> --
> thanks,
> Abhilash Raj
Abhilash Raj
Abhilash Raj