could any one explain me what's intended for the shunt directory in mailman?.. just curiosity...
Thanks in advance,
|Juan Enrique Gomez Perez |Metropoli2000 Networks, S.L. | Phone: +34 914250023 Fax: +34 914250136 | Mobile: +34 615 922 820 | email: juan.enrique.gomez@metropoli2000.com
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On Wed, 2004-01-21 at 03:57, Juan Enrique Gómez wrote:
could any one explain me what's intended for the shunt directory in mailman?.. just curiosity...
It's where messages that trigger errors in Mailman end up. The goal is to never lose a message. If some unexpected exception occurs while processing a message, the error gets logged and the message gets moved to shunt. The idea is that once the bug is fixed, you can run bin/unshunt to move them back into the processing queue from whence they came.
participants (2)
Barry Warsaw
Juan Enrique Gómez