Just had an idea for a cool feature.
I run a humor list and keep the filesize limit fairly low, most of the people are dial-up of course. I don't want to mail bomb a ton of people because someone stupidly e-mailed the 3.2MB aliens_1.mpg file. Right now, I pretty much just reject it that's it.
However, my idea is this. What if there was some sort of mechanism in place that stored the file in a different type of archive, and instead of mailing the file, it included a link to click on to pick up the file instead. That way they could see the file size first and whatnot and know what they were getting into before they tried to download it.
E-Mail: Andy Harrison <andy@nachoz.com> Date: 19-Nov-99 Time: 16:46:19
This message was sent by XFMail

However, my idea is this. What if there was some sort of mechanism in place that stored the file in a different type of archive, and instead of mailing the file, it included a link to click on to pick up the file instead.
Good idea. Could it be generalised to allow all people on the mailing list to specify a maximum attachment size. All attachments below this are attached to the e-mail, and any larger are replaced with links. Or maybe as a total attachment size for each e-mail, rather than on an attachment by attachment basis.
There is of course the issue of how long to retain the attachment on the server for people to pick up later. Could do it on a maximum meggage basis, and remove the oldest ones when space is needed for new ones.
Adrian Eyre <mailto:a.eyre@optichrome.com> Optichrome Computer Solutions Ltd Maybury Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 5HX, UK Tel: +44 1483 740 233 Fax: +44 1483 760 644 http://www.optichrome.com

Hey Folks, I'm having a little bit of a problem,
Having issues that when you change the config.db using the web config tool, it writes it as UID & GID www. Therefore Stopping mailman reading it.
I Checked a working server , and they were in the form of user : mailman/Root Group Mailman. permissions Being R/W R/W R.
On this machine they are user www , group www and permissions are simply RW / RW even if I chown and chmod the files back to normal, on next admin change, they revert back to the above.
Any ideas? regards
- John
-- John MacKenzie | Unix Systems Admin | e: mailto:jmackenzie@local.ie
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In message <9911221436300C.26429@samsara.merrion.nua.net>, John MacKenzie write s:
Hey Folks, Having issues that when you change the config.db using the web config tool, it writes it as UID & GID www. Therefore Stopping mailman reading it.
This is probably a permissions problem. You probably need to turn on the setGID bit on all the directories under ~mailman and set the group to mailman. Try running bin/check_perms and see what it comes up with. If it reports incorrect permissions, bin/check_perms -f should fix them.
-- Ted Cabeen http://www.pobox.com/~secabeen secabeen@pobox.com Check Website or finger for PGP Public Key secabeen@midway.uchicago.edu "I have taken all knowledge to be my province." -F. Bacon cococabeen@aol.com "Human kind cannot bear very much reality."-T.S.Eliot 73126.626@compuserve.com

At 01:55 PM 11/22/1999 -0000, Adrian Eyre wrote:
However, my idea is this. What if there was some sort of mechanism in place that stored the file in a different type of archive, and instead of mailing the file, it included a link to click on to pick up the file instead.
Good idea. Could it be generalised to allow all people on the mailing list to specify a maximum attachment size. All attachments below this are attached to the e-mail, and any larger are replaced with links. Or maybe as a total attachment size for each e-mail, rather than on an attachment by attachment basis.
Sure seems like it would be a useful feature. I'm mostly stuck on very slow lines, many times it's a long-distance call to get that much. I'd like to be able to defer getting attachments - pretty much ALL attachments - until I know at least I've got a toll-free connection, even if it's a slow one. Maybe there's not enough of us so "blessed" to be worth a change, though....
participants (5)
Adrian Eyre
Andy Harrison
John MacKenzie
Mats Wichmann
Ted Cabeen