Update 2.0 - Creating threads to handle dynamic list

Pranjal Yadav writes:
Blog: prany.github.io code: giitlab.com/godricglow/mailman
Sorry about the long brain dump. Pick some of the issues to address now and save the rest for later.
I took a look at your blog. First I reviewed your proposal blog from April 29 (http://prany.github.io/gsoc15.html), and had the following thoughts.
I don't understand why the "X-Original-To" header field is checked after "To". I imagine there is a reason, but as this header is non-standard, something needs to be said about its presumed semantics and when you would expect it to appear, as well as what MTAs implement it (I don't think Mailman itself does, at least not in our upstream version).
I also wonder about the deviation from normal Mailman semantics which I believe will pick up the address from the envelope sender. (Of course there's an option to refuse posts where the message headers do not contain the list as an addressee, but that option isn't always selected.)
For Systers, I'm sure that these semantics are fine, but in general I would think many list admins would expect dlist semantics to be as close as possible to ordinary semantics.
I'm not sure about the wisdom of having a separate named pipeline for dlists. I agree with you that the actual pipeline should include different handlers rather than trying to incorporate the dlist logic in existing handlers. (Of course somebody may want to refactor to exploit commonalities in the code, but IMO your best strategy is to copy the whole calculate-recipients and decorate Handlers and modify them as convenient.) However, Mailman already allows per-list (2.x allowed per-message! dunno if 3 does) pipelines.
So I'm thinking that maybe we should put the standard pipelines in variables (a sort of pipeline registry), and *always* attach a pipeline attribute to each list. To prevent a list from changing the global objects for everybody, we could make pipelines tuples rather than lists. (We would need to run that by Barry first, though.)
Since Thread.base_message_id is supposed to be a UUID, that (or a hash) would be a reasonable primary key for the Thread. This would lead to an interesting extension that any message could become a new dlist. Don't know if that would be useful, but it might be (often threads split).
Now, about the progress report blog of May 31 (http://prany.github.io/threads-for-dynamic-sublists.html). First a few stylistic comments.
You start by saying that messages "are not kept in a structure." It's not obvious what you mean by that. Obviously there are message and metadata classes defined in Mailman. I guess you mean that you want a history of the messages which might simply be a list of message-ids, or their hashes. However, your Thread class in the proposal doesn't seem to keep any history.
I disagree with you about the use of the word "conversation."
A *conversation* is an ambiguously defined collection of messages that have various commonalities -- a time span, a topic, and a group of participants, at least.
A *thread* is a collection of messages that can be arranged in a DAG (or even a tree) by using the reply-to relationship (which may be implemented using the In-Reply-To and/or References fields, but I'm referring to the human concept of "reply" here).
A *dlist* is a collection of messages defined by having a particular mailbox among their addressees.
As I see it, your goal is to *implement* conversations (or maybe a better word is "facilitate") using d-lists. I have no objection at all to using conversation in that sense. However, it's important to recognize that what a human thinks of as a conversation is quite different from what a machine can implement as a thread or a dlist.
Also, while you have the right to use whatever definitions you want, I think most people who are well-versed in email semantics and implementations will agree with the definition of thread I gave, and also agree that dlists are something quite different. That means you will have a difficult time communicating if you use the words "conversation", "thread", and "dlist" as rough synonyms.
I don't understand what you mean by "to make threads which are meaningful rather than grouping them visually." I sort of understand what you mean by "visual grouping", but in fact all MUAs I know of also implement navigation based on the thread structure (normally with a depth-first traversal, and the visual display also corresponds to that order). On the other hand, "meaningful threads" has no particular meaning to me.
Under "Requirement" you write
[W]e aim to use this concept [of threading] only for those mailing lists which are initially 'dlist_enabled' or simply saying dynamic list enabled via mailing list object's attribute.
but as described in 6, threads are quite a different concept from dlists.[1]
Under "Code" you give a simple list of modules to modify, but I think you should describe in more detail what you propose to do.
The link to your repo is broken! (It's prefixed by your blog for some reason.)
Some comments about the code (I'm looking at "git diff master dlist").
Throughout, I think you should use "dlist" rather than "thread" for naming classes and other identifiers.
In dlist.py, your __all__ variable is wrong, I believe (the dlist module has no dlist attribute).
class DlistCommands probably should derive from the main Mailman commands class.
DlistCommands.__init__() should have an else: statement that gives a useful error message. Ditto the "ignored" part of __iter__().
In threads.py, the stub methods in class IThread should raise NotImplemented or something like that.
In message.py, the decision to add msgdata as an attribute to the Message model really needs justification, since the original design carefully separates the two.
Isn't the assignment to thread_id dead? Also, use .get() here, not try ... except. And *never* use a bare except, not even in very early prototype code. Defining self-documenting Exceptions is trivial. The problem is that msgdata[] could invoke arbitrary code which could raise things you can't imagine.
In lmtp.py you're going to need to deal with dlist names, as well as +new and friends.
Overall I think it's a reasonable first cut, but some things seem to be a little careless (like the __all__ lists).
Footnotes: [1] I actually don't think implementing threads as such would be very difficult. Simply keep a history of Message-IDs (or their hashes) and allow users to "subscribe" to the replies to arbitrary messages (and to replies to the replies, of course), alternatively unsubscribe (what in a traditional MUA would be "killing" the thread). The hard part would be the UI, since most users would not be capable of, let alone happy with, specifying message IDs to commands. I do have some ideas about that, though.

Thanks for the detailed review. Replies inline!
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote: the confusion was systers implementation which too checked for both. will check for "To:" in the header. this comment. AFAIK all mailing lists are attached with a pipeline from Base pipeline, Virgin-pipeline, Owner-pipeline or Posting-pipeline, mostly all messages attach to the 'built-in' or simply default-posting-pipeline initially. So how exactly should I create those registries from pipelines? Adding another attribute to the mailing lists will be easy but replacing lists as pipelines tuples is a pretty complex thought. We'll run it with Barry as you said and then I will post the necessary changes.
By "structure" I simple meant any form of order/arrangement that can be achieved, using history is one good way of doing so. However I simply planned to make threads to do so.
I strongly agree with the definitions and I accept misusing the term "conversation" which I wrote to convey an idea as to how threads are understood in day to day life. I will make sure I don't confuse with all these terms again.
Thanks for pointing this out, I will use above definitions to answer this. *Dlist* is a collection of messages defined by having a particular mailbox among their addressees, so when I say a list should be dlist enabled, its merely a check that the list is good to be a Dlist, now the collection of new messages inside this newly formed Dlist will be arranged in an order using Reply-To relationship and thus forming a *Thread*.
I will include relevant part of the code with details. this week so I think this won't be an issue next time.
Same as above.
Looking into this, I had no clue about the original design and I should be more careful with what I choose to use, lesson learnt. prototype which you correctly pointed out.

Thanks for the detailed review. Replies inline!
Stephen J. Turnbull wrote: the confusion was systers implementation which too checked for both. will check for "To:" in the header. this comment. AFAIK all mailing lists are attached with a pipeline from Base pipeline, Virgin-pipeline, Owner-pipeline or Posting-pipeline, mostly all messages attach to the 'built-in' or simply default-posting-pipeline initially. So how exactly should I create those registries from pipelines? Adding another attribute to the mailing lists will be easy but replacing lists as pipelines tuples is a pretty complex thought. We'll run it with Barry as you said and then I will post the necessary changes.
By "structure" I simple meant any form of order/arrangement that can be achieved, using history is one good way of doing so. However I simply planned to make threads to do so.
I strongly agree with the definitions and I accept misusing the term "conversation" which I wrote to convey an idea as to how threads are understood in day to day life. I will make sure I don't confuse with all these terms again.
Thanks for pointing this out, I will use above definitions to answer this. *Dlist* is a collection of messages defined by having a particular mailbox among their addressees, so when I say a list should be dlist enabled, its merely a check that the list is good to be a Dlist, now the collection of new messages inside this newly formed Dlist will be arranged in an order using Reply-To relationship and thus forming a *Thread*.
I will include relevant part of the code with details. this week so I think this won't be an issue next time.
Same as above.
Looking into this, I had no clue about the original design and I should be more careful with what I choose to use, lesson learnt. prototype which you correctly pointed out.
participants (2)
Stephen J. Turnbull