Another item for TODO: Accept list

Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 02:14:35 -0600 From: Sean Reifschneider <> To: Subject: [Mailman-Developers] Another item for TODO: Accept list
I didn't see anything in the main list admin page for doing this, so I thought I'd write in to request it be put on the todo list. There doesn't seem to be an ability to specify a specific "accept" list. I'm thinking of a list which if non-empty, only posts from addresses on the list would be accepted. The idea is to prevent discussion on announce-only mailing lists.
If i understand what you're seeking, there's an option on the privacy page for doing this. From the details page:
posters (privacy): Addresses of members accepted for posting to this list without implicit approval requirement. (See "Restrict ... to list members" for whether or not this is in addition to allowing posting by list members.
Adding entries here will have one of two effects, according to whether another option restricts posting to members.
If member_posting_only is 'yes', then entries added here will have posting privilege in addition to list members.
If member_posting_only is 'no', then only the posters listed here will be able to post without admin approval.
I think the combination with members_posting_only == 'no' amounts to your accept list.
This is certainly something I'd be interested in implementing. But, I've got to wonder what happened to the other patches I submitted last week... :-)
Ah, this is a problem. It looks like all the core mailman developers are currently tied up enough, so noone can cater to incorporating - or even following, at the moment - mailman developments. Sean, if you would do me the favor of pointing me to the patches - or resend them, just to me - i'll try to take a moment to look them over.
(We're considering ways to increase the pool of people with privileges to touch the main development tree _without_ increasing the thrash factor - shepherding, itself, takes time which may be too scarce even for that at the moment, but we need to look at it.)
Or did I just overlook it?
Probably the other way around - we did. (This is late vacation season - i was away week before last, eg, and i *know* from sparse discussions w/ other mailman developers time is real tight.)
Ken Manheimer

On Sun, Sep 26, 1999 at 11:59:39AM -0400, klm wrote:
If member_posting_only is 'no', then only the posters listed here will be able to post without admin approval.
Huh? The way I understand "member_posting_only" is that if it's on then only members can post, and if it's off then *ANYONE* can post (hence "member_posting_*ONLY*"). This seems to be what's happening because I currently have member_posting_only set to "no" and messages are getting through.
The Roman Rule: The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it. Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <> URL: <> HP-UX/Linux/FreeBSD/BSDOS scanning software.
participants (2)
Sean Reifschneider