We are using postfix and mailman together to manage a list with 128,000+ members. Today when I was using the web interface to approve a message, my browser came back with the following content. It looks like the message was in fact sent out, but I thought that this might be useful information; or perhaps others may have seen such an error before. Thanks.
Bug in Mailman version 2.0beta2
We're sorry, we hit a bug!
If you would like to help us identify the problem, please email a copy of this page to the webmaster for this site with a description of what happened. Thanks!
Traceback (innermost last): File "/home/mailman/scripts/driver", line 89, in run_main main() File "/home/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/admindb.py", line 125, in main mlist.Save() File "/home/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 853, in Save self.SaveRequestsDb() File "/home/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py", line 89, in SaveRequestsDb self.__closedb() File "/home/mailman/Mailman/ListAdmin.py", line 73, in __closedb assert self.Locked() AssertionError:
Python information:
sys.version 1.5.2 (#1, Feb 1 2000, 16:32:16) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs- sys.executable /usr/bin/python sys.prefix /usr sys.exec_prefix /usr sys.path /usr sys.platform linux-i386
Environment variables:
Value HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING gzip SSL_SERVER_IEMAIL root@redhat.com PATH_INFO /under-the-brim CONTENT_TYPE application/x-www-form-urlencoded SSL_SERVER_CN listman.redhat.com HTTP_COOKIE under-the-brim:admin="(lp1\012D962918379.85566199\012aI964529179\012aS'\\336|\\231\\2504\\372\\023e\\030\\347\\251\\324\\245\\373R\\356'\012p2\012a." PATH_TRANSLATED /home/httpd/html/under-the-brim HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE en SSL_SERVER_C US GATEWAY_INTERFACE CGI/1.1 SSL_SERVER_OU Information Technologies SSL_SERVER_L Research Triangle Park HTTP_ACCEPT image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png, */* SSL_SERVER_IST North Carolina SSL_SSLEAY_VERSION SSLeay 0.9.0b 29-Jun-1998 HTTPS on HTTP_HOST listman.redhat.com SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION SSLv3 SSL_SERVER_EMAIL root@redhat.com SCRIPT_FILENAME /home/mailman/cgi-bin/admindb HTTPS_SECRETKEYSIZE 128 PYTHONPATH /home/mailman SSL_SERVER_IDN /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Research Triangle Park/O=Red Hat Inc./OU=Information Technologies/CN=listman.redhat.com/Email=root@redhat.com DOCUMENT_ROOT /home/httpd/html SSL_SERVER_O Red Hat Inc. SSL_SERVER_ST North Carolina SSL_SERVER_IOU Information Technologies SERVER_PORT 443 HTTPS_KEYSIZE 128 REQUEST_URI /mailman/admindb/under-the-brim REMOTE_ADDR SERVER_NAME listman.redhat.com HTTP_CONNECTION Keep-Alive HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/4.72 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.14-5.0smp i686) HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET iso-8859-1,*,utf-8 CONTENT_LENGTH 104394 SSL_SERVER_DN /C=US/ST=North Carolina/L=Research Triangle Park/O=Red Hat Inc./OU=Information Technologies/CN=listman.redhat.com/Email=root@redhat.com SSL_CIPHER RC4-MD5 PATH /sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin QUERY_STRING SERVER_PROTOCOL HTTP/1.0 SSL_SERVER_ICN listman.redhat.com REMOTE_PORT 1130 REQUEST_METHOD POST SERVER_SIGNATURE SCRIPT_NAME /mailman/admindb SERVER_SOFTWARE Red Hat Secure/2.0 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.15 SSLeay/0.9.0b SSL_SERVER_IC US SERVER_ADMIN root@localhost HTTPS_CIPHER RC4-MD5 SSL_SERVER_IO Red Hat Inc. SSL_SERVER_IL Research Triangle Park HTTP_REFERER https://listman.redhat.com/mailman/admindb/under-the-brim
participants (1)
Kambiz Aghaiepour