[ mailman-Bugs-563328 ] confirmation strings don't work 2.1b2+

Bugs item #563328, was opened at 2002-06-01 16:08 You can respond by visiting: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=563328&group_id=103
Category: bounce detection Group: 2.1 beta Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Submitted By: Marc Merlin (marcmerlin) Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody) Summary: confirmation strings don't work 2.1b2+
Initial Comment:
I'm using a CVS tree tha's up to date
I got this mail (because my spamassassin is boucing the
mails, and the list mostly gets spams).
No big deal, except that the URL tells me the
confirmation string is incorrect and even if I
re-enter it in the "Otherwise, re-enter your
confirmation string." page, it still doesn't work.
What can I do to help debug this/provide more info?
----- Forwarded message from web-team-request@svlug.org
From: web-team-request@svlug.org
To: me@domain
X-List-Administrivia: yes
Subject: confirm
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You can respond by visiting: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=100103&aid=563328&group_id=103
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