Global Pipeline question

I'm currently using Mailman 2.1.4 with Postfix on a Red Hat Enterprise Verison 3 workstation.
I would like to use the scrubber.patch to put attachments has a viewable link in the archives, "which is working", but I also want the attachment completely stripped from the email message. Here's my problem, if I enable content filtering to strip the attachments, scrubber never puts the attachment as a link in the archives. I thought it might be a Global Pipeline issue, so I changed the sequence of the global pipeline "as shown below", and put Scrubber as the first Handler to be processed and of course put this in "" and restarted Mailman. Still, the content filtering strips the attachments like I want, but scrubber never puts the attachment as a link in the archives.
Does the sequence of the Pipeline affect this process, is there a way to do what I want? Also is there documentation that shows a step by step process that a message goes through before delivery? I would love to see this, it would help me understand the process that Mailman does to prepare a message for delivery.
I manage 200 lists at Idaho State Univeristy, and Mailman is a very critical application for us, which makes this task very important and in a rush to get accomplished.
I would appreciate your help.
GLOBAL_PIPELINE = [ # These are the modules that do tasks common to all delivery paths. 'Scrubber', 'SpamDetect', 'Approve', 'Replybot', 'Moderate', 'Hold', 'MimeDel', 'Emergency', 'Tagger', 'CalcRecips', 'AvoidDuplicates', 'Cleanse', 'CookHeaders', # And now we send the message to the digest mbox file, and to the arch and # news queues. Runners will provide further processing of the message, # specific to those delivery paths. 'ToDigest', 'ToArchive', 'ToUsenet', # Now we'll do a few extra things specific to the member delivery # (outgoing) path, finally leaving the message in the outgoing queue. 'AfterDelivery', 'Acknowledge', 'ToOutgoing', ]
-- Kory Wheatley Academic Computing Analyst Sr. Phone 282-3874 ######################################### Everything must point to him.
participants (2)
Kory Wheatley
Tokio Kikuchi