[Fwd: [Systers-dev] Systers Code Sprint at GHC09 - Logistics Update]

Systers has been doing mailman development as part of their Google Summer of Code work, so I expect there'll be some work on Mailman happening at this sprint. I'm going to go represent Mailman developers as it were, and if any of you are going to be in the Tuscon area next week (even if you're not at GHC), feel free to contact Jennifer and see about also coming out to help!
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Systers-dev] Systers Code Sprint at GHC09 - Logistics Update Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2009 10:50:06 -0700 From: Jennifer Redman <jenred@gmail.com> To: systers-dev+codesprint@systers.org, systers+codesprint@systers.org
Please feel free to share this information off-list and repeat in any public forum. It is also posted here: http://systers.org/systers-dev/doku.php/code_sprint_logistics
Systers Code Sprint at GHC09
Time: 16:00-20:00 - AST, Thursday, October 01, 2009
Where: GHC09 - Room: Tucson A
Additional information on the Systers wiki - http://systers.org/wiki - including a task-list and some "Before you Sprint" information that covers development environment setup.
The task list is likely to change -- there are a few additional items that will be added. Please feel free to add yourself to the list under each task if you are interested in working on that item. You do need to create an account to edit the wiki.
We have one final very pesky bug that is preventing us from rolling out some of our new features developed this summer by our GSoC students. Looking forward to some additional eyes on the code! I still need to go through and update some bug reports but there will be an additional task dedicated to squashing a couple of bugs.
What about food?
16:15-16:30 - The room for the Code Sprint is directly across from the Ania Pavilion - which is where the Thursday afternoon break is scheduled. You should feel free to grab some snacks and bring them along with you to the Code Sprint.
18:15-19:15 - The General Reception -- with, to quote Deanna K from the ABI, "massive amounts of food and beverage" is scheduled to take place in the Arizona and Tucson Foyers -- right outside the door of the room where we are holding the Code Sprint. This will be a good time for a break to grab some additional fuel to fortify ourselves for the next few hours.
Who should come?
If you look at the task list there are items that should appeal to a large range of skillsets. Please don't worry about being new at code-sprinting or Open Source development. We are all very kind and understanding when it comes to beginner-type questions. Please stop in if you are interested in getting more involved in the Systers development effort (we need your help), would like to learn more about our Google Summer of Code Projects and our future plans (we need more mentors, and students this is a great way to get involved before next year). If you are running or contributing to another Open Source Project, please stop by the Code Sprint to introduce yourself and talk about your community with other potential contributors.
This is an excellent opportunity to do some networking while writing code (or contributing in other ways that are equally important).
You don't need to be a current Syster (we'd love it if you joined after).
What if I don't have a laptop*?*
We are going to be pair-programming, so those of you who don't have a laptop to bring along we'll just match you up with someone who does.
What if I'm not coming to GHC09 can I still be involved?
Sure. Join the irc channel (irc.freenode.net #systers-dev) and we'll see if we can include you via irc.
Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Hope to see you at the Sprint!
Thanks, Jen
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On Sep 25, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Terri Oda wrote:
Systers has been doing mailman development as part of their Google
Summer of Code work, so I expect there'll be some work on Mailman
happening at this sprint. I'm going to go represent Mailman
developers as it were, and if any of you are going to be in the
Tuscon area next week (even if you're not at GHC), feel free to
contact Jennifer and see about also coming out to help!
Sounds like fun, and thanks for representin' Terri! :)
I won't be able to make it, but feel free to ping me on irc if I can
help in any way.
participants (2)
Barry Warsaw
Terri Oda