Re: [Mailman-Developers] ARC module implementation [was: GSOC 2016]

Aditya Divekar writes:
I have taken your suggestion, and started working on a separate branch to generate the ams from the original dkimpy package.
Student applications will be opening shortly. You should finish up anything that is in your head but not in a file soon, and start preparing your application.
We will want to see a reviewable patch on the tracker as part of that application (it can be something trivial like a doc patch). Exactly what is required isn't set yet (most of us are also busy with PSF org admin details as well as Mailman stuff), but it won't be related to this project because this project is "too big" to seriously consider reviewing soon. And you don't have to worry about whether we get around to actually merging it; it just has to be in good enough shape to review.
The scheduling part is important, and you probably haven't done anything like it before (scheduling a project you design is very different from picking classes from a course catalog!)
participants (1)
Stephen J. Turnbull