Re: [Mailman-Developers] Discussion On Project Idea "Preset List Settings Templates" .

Hi Barry,
I already had this idea in my mind and that's why I have divided all the styleable attributes into three categories: 1: Site owner level attributes. 2: Domain owner level attributes. 3: List owner level attributes.
Suppose attributes related to bounce-settings come into site owner level attributes(I have not yet decided which attribute will fall in which category) then only site-owners would be able to set them and once these are set, the list owners would be having only two options. Either apply the existing style as it is or create a sub-style and adjust the list owner level(not site-owner level) attributes(to give their list "flavor") and then apply it. This way they would be able to make their list an "open discussion list" or an "one-way announcement list" without being able to edit the bounce-settings.
Regards, Harshit Bansal.
participants (1)
Harshit Bansal