[Project Discussion] Assigining Default Priority levels to user tasks

Brief Introduction to Related Project content:
The To - Do List proposed in the project <https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/details/google/gsoc2015/bhaveshg...>, 'Dashboard for Admins' gives the admin, a list of pending tasks which require his immediate attention. The tasks particularly include those of 'Held Messages' (pending for moderation) and 'Subscription Requests'.
Now, among the pile of pending tasks, some Tasks may be of higher importance than the others to the admin which he can quickly mark to get them completed first, the next time he sets up to clear the pending list. Thus color supported Priority Levels have been given and can be set with each of the tasks, sorting the important ones out from others.
Discussion Statement :
Whenever a new task gets added automatically ( when someone makes a subscription request for instance), what priority level should it be assigned. ?
One Approach can be to keep a separate level of 'unprioritised' tasks and assigning a specific color value to this level (uncolored may be), separating them out from the others as the ones with 'priority level not set'.
Other Solutions which I think can exist can be, choosing a default priority value for the newly added ones from among low/medium/high (only), limiting the number of colors to 3 instead of 4 for may be a more simpler (memorable) operation.
Project Link: https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/project/details/google/gsoc2015/bhaveshg...
-- Regards, Bhavesh Goyal, Computer Science Engineering, IIIT Hyderabad
participants (1)
Bhavesh Goyal