I have a question about mailman 2.0 - is it possible to change the
general list information page so that the person is required to provide
their email, name and organization - we are starting a private listserv
and would like to verify the person is w/ a specific organization.
I changed the html on the page to include the (required) after full
name - I am not sure, however, what html command is needed, if any,
(e.g., full name = <mm-fullname-box>.
can you help?
Nicole Faraguna
[View More]Director of Outreach & Events
PA Land Trust Association
105 Locust Street, Suite 300
Harrisburg, PA 17101-1453
717-909-1298 (Direct)
717-230-8560 (General)
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I sent this message to barry(a)python.org, but the message bounced me
back. To whom should I send it?
I'm attaching the messages and templates directories for translating
mailman 2.1.6 to interlingua. Please add it to mailman; the ISO code for
interlingua is "ia".
Would it even be possible for you to release a minor mailman release
containing this translation, or maybe even a snapshot? I'm asking this
since the webserver running mailman for the interlingua site isn't
[View More]administrated by me; the provider would most likely want to install a
newer version only if he can find it in some official trusted site...
Thanks anyway,
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