Hi, I am willing to provide updates to the French translation of mailman. I have already sent a patch¹ to Pascal George (the head of the French translation team: http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/i18n.html) with respect to the version in trunk, precisely: http://mailman.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mailman/trunk/mailman/messages/fr/... but he told me trunk was not the proper place to work on and that I was duplicating work. But he has not answered so far to my questions of what was the preferred place. So my question is: which main mailman.po should I take as an authoritative start for future updates? What is the proper workflow for localisation updates? Sorry if it is already explained somewhere and I have not spotted it yet². I have an other question. In the HTML pages translated, there are many HTML tags like é à and so on... Is it safe to replace them everywhere with their 8 bit counterparts (é, à, ...)? (It makes the translation handling much more convenient.) If yes, what should be the exact encoding to use for the common mailman.po? (UTF-8, ISO 8859-15, ISO 8859-1?) Thanks for your help, Frédéric Lehobey 1. For the curious: http://lehobey-rennes.dyndns.org/mailman/trunk/ 2. I have read http://mailman.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mailman/trunk/mailman/README-I18N.en?revision=7463&view=markup and found http://mailman.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/mailman/tags/Release_2_1_9/message...