Hi: My name is Frco. Javier (fjrial at launchpad). I provided the first galician official translation of mailman into galician language (gl), and all I want to say is a + for this initiative.. I use launchpad to manage other translations into galician.. I think it'll be very usefull for everyone. Please, let us know (everyone in the list) whether we can start updating again our translations in launchpad. Thanks a lot for your efforts and work. -- Frco. Javier Rial RodrÃguez Técnico Avda. de Vigo s/n Campus 15705 Santiago de Compostela (Galicia/ES) Tel/ Fax: (0034) 981 569 810/ 981 594 616 <fjrial@cesga.es> O Luns 31 Agosto 2009 22:26:31 Barry Warsaw escribiu:
I think to do this correctly will require starting from scratch and using Launchpad permissions to control who can approve and upload translations for 2.2. I know it's a shame to lose all of our 2.1 translations, but I'm confident we can leverage the community to help us out.
Danilo has set up a translation group for Mailman translators. We'll need to set up individual language teams inside Launchpad specifically for the Mailman project. Danilo has told me that while there's a GNU Translations group in Launchpad, it's not very active. Their names will be of the form mailman-l10n-xx where xx is the language code. As David implies, there's already a mailman-l10n-ca for Catalan which he owns, so perhaps we can use that as a guinea pig. We need to add that team to the Mailman Translation group, but we have to be careful about its membership and permissions.